Thursday, March 24, 2016

Andrew's Easter Egg Hunt

The annual Easter Egg Hunt at the preschool is always such fun!  Little Andrew being silly before the egg hunt started.

Another silly photo!

When they want the kids to listen they say 'Catch a Bubble.'  How cute does my little boy look catching a bubble?

The hunt is on.

Can you spy the Darth Vader egg in his Easter basket?  He was excited to get a Star Wars Easter egg.

Isn't he a cutie?

We love how Daddy works so close to the preschool and he's often able to attend these special events.

The three of us ready to start our picnic lunch.  We miss not having Julia with us.

Andrew enjoying one of his treats.

A little time on the playground to have some fun.

Andrew and his friend Grant from last year.

Andrew and one of his friends Chase from his class this year.

Having a great time on this beautiful day!  We're very thankful for such a great preschool.

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute. I want to spend the day hugging him rather than going to work.
