Saturday, March 26, 2016

Avalon Egg Hunt

The Avalon did such a great job with Santa around Christmas time that I thought it was worth it to check out their Easter Egg Hunt.  Each kid could find 10 eggs and then turn them in for a bag of treats and there were even a few golden eggs hidden but we never found one of those.  My kids were a bit timid and didn't really run after the eggs but still managed to find 10.

There were tons of eggs in different locations so I guess it wasn't a big deal if they didn't run after them.

Now Andrew is on the move finding his 10 eggs.

Julia and Andrew found their 10 eggs.

They were surprised to find their eggs were empty since it was different than other egg hunts.

Posing for a photo with Daddy.

Ready to trade their eggs for a treat bag.

Excited about what they found in their treat bags.

Two sweet kids!

Andrew opening a special treat from his bag.

Sweet Julia sharing with her brother Andrew.

Hopping like a bunny!

Another bunny hopping along.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it is very enjoyable time was had by all. Some really great pictures. The kids are so photogenic.
