Thursday, January 28, 2016

Andrew's Teddy Bear Parade

We love Andrew's preschool for so many reasons but mostly because of all the fun activities they do in addition to teaching.  The teachers both Julia and Andrew have had have been great.  One of the fun activities the 4 and 5 years old get to do is the teddy bear parade.  They make a float to hold their stuffed animal and get to wear jammies to fun is that?  All the other kids and parents get to watch the parade.  Love the smile on his face when he saw Thomas and me.

Andrew and Daddy made Andrew's float this year which was the millennium falcon from Stars Wars.  I should have gotten a better picture of him with his float.  Parade back-up.

Take a guess who got to ride in the millennium falcon...of course it was lovey.  Off he goes!

Back in their classroom they got to have a picnic snack with their stuffed animals.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when Julia had her teddy bear parades. Andrew looks like he likes them just as much as she did. I love the picture of Andrew walking away pulling his float behind him. He still looks so little to me.
