Saturday, February 6, 2016

Julia's Birthday Party

After much discussion we decided to celebrate Julia's birthday at home with some of her closest friends with a Shopkins party...yes a Shopkins party!  Julia got some Shopkins for Christmas and really got into them hence it worked out perfectly for a birthday theme.  We decided to play a few games along with snack/cake and open presents.  It all went well and the kids had fun!

Table set up for 10 girls.

Upon arrival we had some Shopkin coloring sheets while waiting for everyone to arrive.

Andrew has been enjoying the Shopkins too!

The first game we played was pass the present.  When the music stopped whoever was holding it got to open the present.  Addison was the first to open the present.

There were presents wrapped inside presents and every girl got a gift which was two shopkins.

Haleigh's turn to see what two Shopkins she got.

Alison wore such an appropriate shirt for the party...Shopkins.

Julia chance to see what Shopkins she got.  We actually had a pinata and played Bingo where they won two more Shopkins but I was too busy and no photos got taken.  After Bingo the girls got a chance to trade with others if they wanted.

I absolutely love the cookie cakes from Publix.  They are delicious!

Hard to believe she's blowing out a #7 candle!

We also did a photo booth too which was fun!

The photo booth prop matches Alison's shirt.

Another photo booth shot.

Addison is in Julia's first grade class this year.

I wonder what little cutie is behind that cookie.

Present time!  Julia is somewhere behind the tissue paper.

Julia got lots of great presents from her friends.  Two new Beanie Boos were inside that bag which she loved.

She was quite excited about her new purse with the letter J on it.  Thank you to all her friends for coming and spending time with us as we celebrated Julia.  She had so much fun with her best friends!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Looks like a very fun party! All the kids love Shopkins. I think part of the attraction is because they can trade them with their friends. Happy Birthday #7 to Julia!

  3. Julia's Birthday Party was rocking. So pleased that you celebrated her birthday in this way. You know I am also going to celebrate my niece’s 16th birthday at one of her favorite Venues in San Francisco. She has asked me to plan a disco themed party on her special birthday.
