Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thanksgiving Feast

Today was Andrew's last Thanksgiving Feast at the preschool.  It sure was cute to watch our little turkey sing and we enjoyed our special lunch with our little guy.

They always sing such cute songs...I sure am going to miss the preschool days!

We are so lucky Daddy works so close to Andrew's preschool and most always is able to join us for the fun activities.  We know many dads don't get to do that and we are very thankful!

Andrew and his buddy from down the street Hudson.  Even though they are not in the same class we still see them at many of the special activities.

Ryan, Andrew and Chase at the feast.  Cute little Andrew wanted to be sure the placemat he made for the feast made it into the picture.  I'm bummed I never got a photo of Thomas and I with Andrew at the feast but that's okay.  We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and take time to reflect upon your blessings.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Cheer Exhibition Night

On the Friday night before Cheer Bowl they have what's called Cheer Exhibition Night.  All the different squads from Midway Park come out at night and do their routine to practice in front of an audience.  It's fun to watch the different age groups do their routine as they prepare for Cheer Bowl!  Sarah is one of her friends in her class and she happened to be on her squad too.

Sarah and Julia along with one of their Junior Coaches Mackenzie.

Sweet Hallie came out to watch and support Julia and her squad.  Hallie is one of Julia's small group leaders at church.  She's such a sweet girl who we've used as a babysitter too.  I took a few pictures of the whole squad but they came out blurry....oh well!  We're excited for Cheer Bowl which is only 2 days away.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Pumpkin Carving

Another year of pumpkin carving and the kids are excited!

Julia has gotten better at cleaning out the inside of a pumpkin even though it feels gross.

Definitely gross!

Ready to clean out his pumpkin.

Andrew worked hard to separate the pumpkin seeds and after Thomas roasted them he absolutely loved eating them.  Julia wasn't a fan of eating them at all.

Andrew drew what he wanted carved on his pumpkin and Daddy carved it for him.

Julia decided to have the letter 'J' carved on her pumpkin.

She was strong enough to hold her pumpkin even though she didn't think she could do it.

Look at the cute face Andrew designed!

It was a bit too heavy for Andrew to hold.  Can you believe this was the day before Halloween and Andrew is wearing shorts and a T-shirt?

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Trick or Treat at Avalon

 A few days before Halloween the newest outdoor shopping plaza had a trick or treating event.  Even though we knew it would be crazy busy we knew the kids would enjoy it so we decided to check it out.  It was busy but not bad.

 While there we saw Braya who is one of Julia's best friends from first grade.

 And Andrew saw Braya's brother, Chase, who is one of his good friends from school.  They were both thrilled to see their friends!

 Two Star Wars characters...Luke Skywalker and Julia was an x-wing fighter pilot.

Always wearing her boots!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Watch Dogs

 Thomas volunteered to be a Watch Dog again at Julia's school and actually had a very productive day.  He was able to volunteer in Julia's classroom, ate lunch with her and even went out on the playground with her class.  Of course Julia absolutely loved it and that night at bedtime she wished the day wasn't over.  Obviously she had the best day having her Daddy at school!

Looking cool in their sunglasses!

Fall Festival

 Now that I work at Andrew's preschool they want you to dress up for the parade.  They don't expect you to be in full costume but I knew Andrew would enjoy it if I dressed up like a Star Wars character so I decided to dress up as Rey from Star Wars The Force Awakens.  It was fun being dressed alike!

 Andrew and his buddy Grant from his 3 year old class.

 Andrew enjoying the cookie he decorated!

 Each class made a craft and they were on display for us to all enjoy.  Andrew's class made a wreath out of leaves.

 Big hugs for these buddies!

 Andrew loved the slide and I love all the smiles I got to watch.

 Hair standing up.


Andrew and I had a great time at the Fall Festival.  For the past 5 years we have gotten to enjoy the preschool Fall Festival with Julia and Andrew.  It's kinda bittersweet but this year will be our last at the preschool since Andrew will be in Kindergarten next year.  Lots of fond memories from our preschool days at First Baptist Cumming.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Cheerleading Youth Night

West Forsyth High School had youth cheerleading night and all the young cheerleaders got to attend and go on the field with the high school girls.  There were definitely lots of cheerleaders and Julia had a blast!

Since we've never done cheer before we didn't know what to expect but my sweet girl had so much fun.  The young cheerleaders went on the field with the high school girls and did some cheers.  There were even more girls than pictured here.

The young cheerleaders even got a little megaphone which Julia thought was cool.

It was a bit chilly so only Julia and I went from our family.  

After doing some cheering the girls sat in the stands and watched the football game.  We left just after halftime.  It was a chilly night but afterwards Julia asked if we could go to another game.  Alison, Julia, Haleigh and Olivia enjoyed the night!  

Ready for the football players to come out.

Friday Night Lights!

Let's go wolverines, let's go!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Halloween Party

One of Julia's friends and classmates invited us to her Halloween party.  First up, pick a lollipop and if it is colored black on the bottom pick out a prize.  Andrew picked out a winning lollipop.

Next up, find a partner and wrap up one person like a mummy with toilet paper.  Julia got to wrap up a friend.

But Andrew got wrapped up like a mummy by Case.

Mummy Andrew.

Cute girls and Case.

Next up, form two circles.  One of the girls and one of the boys.  Pass the pumpkin and when the music stops if you're holding it you're out.

The boys passed a skull instead.

Andrew was the winner of pass the skull for the boys.

Julia came in second place for pass the pumpkin for the girls.

Two winners.

A friend Alison who was in Julia's kindergarten class.

Next up was a scavenger hunt.  The kids were placed into groups and they had a list of things they had to complete.  One of the things were to paint a boys fingernail with black nail polish.  Brody is a boy in Julia's class and he was the only boy on their team so he got his fingernail painted black.

One of the scavenger hunt items was to have everyone on your team go down the slide and say Happy Halloween.

Julia, Haleigh and another girl I can't remember her name. 

They also had two for the girls and one for the boys.  The kids had a great time.  I must say I got kinda lazy with taking photos.  Thanks to Ms. Brenda for all her hard work in organizing the party and inviting us.