Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thanksgiving Feast

Today was Andrew's last Thanksgiving Feast at the preschool.  It sure was cute to watch our little turkey sing and we enjoyed our special lunch with our little guy.

They always sing such cute songs...I sure am going to miss the preschool days!

We are so lucky Daddy works so close to Andrew's preschool and most always is able to join us for the fun activities.  We know many dads don't get to do that and we are very thankful!

Andrew and his buddy from down the street Hudson.  Even though they are not in the same class we still see them at many of the special activities.

Ryan, Andrew and Chase at the feast.  Cute little Andrew wanted to be sure the placemat he made for the feast made it into the picture.  I'm bummed I never got a photo of Thomas and I with Andrew at the feast but that's okay.  We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and take time to reflect upon your blessings.

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