Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Roller Skating

After playing at the house all morning we headed to do some roller skating after Victoria's nap.  Julia and Andrew have only skated once before and Alexander has never been.  He did great with the help of the PVC pipes on wheels.

Andrew is really concentrating and doing great.

Julia is helping Alexander.

Cousins posing for a photo but it came out a bit dark.

Julia practicing with the PVC pipe but she really didn't need the help.

Me and my little guy.

Off she goes.

Look at my cute little guy!

All smiles!

There she goes without any help!

Julia did really well skating...I'm so proud of her and she loved doing it too.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea using the PVC pipe this to help the kids balance. The up close picture of the Andrew smiling holding onto the PVC pipe is absolutely adorable.
