Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Andrew's Thanksgiving Feast

Andrew has really been looking forward to his Thanksgiving Feast and we were so excited too!  He told me they were practicing some songs but he wouldn't sing them to me since he wanted them to be a surprise.  My cute little Indian was all ready and waiting to sing.

Andrew was all excited when he saw Daddy come in.  Not the best picture but it captured his excitement.

Singing Hello, Mr. Turkey.

So cute...pretending to play the horn.

Two handsome guys!

I still can't believe my baby boy is in 4 year old preschool.

We love this little Indian.

Andrew's placemat turned out so cute.  Thanks to his teachers for all their hard work in making it so special.

One happy little guy and we're so thankful to be his parents.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing how happy Andrew is at his school! That smile in the first picture is amazing! All the little kids look adorable. Glad that Thomas was able to make it too.
