Saturday, June 27, 2015

Leaving Santa Rosa Beach

Boy cousins!

Andrew 4, Alexander 4 1/2 and Julia 6 1/2 years old.  They definitely had fun together.

Sisters and our kids minus Victoria who didn't come to the beach.

Ready to hit the road but sad to be leaving the beach.

Final good-bye hug.  Tears from Julia as we drove away.  She's my sensitive girl and gets very upset with saying good-bye to people.

Lots of rain and traffic on the way home but Andrew had fun coloring pictures with a paintbrush filled with water.  So many great memories from our trip but one of my favorite things was when Julia said thank you for taking us to the beach. We had such a fun week and we're so thankful we got the chance to spend the week together and happy to see Aunt Kim and Alexander.  Cousins always have a great time when we get together!  We really liked Santa Rosa Beach and the area so much.  I'm sure we'll make another visit here again sometime soon.

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