Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Andrew Turns 4

Wow this little guy turned 4 today! What a fun day we had celebrating our happy little boy!  He got to open one present in the morning before dad went to work.

We first went to a puppet show with his friend Case and his sister Haleigh and then headed to Roswell Park for loads of fun outdoors on such a gorgeous day.

The girls enjoying their picnic lunch.

The boys enjoying lunch too but probably doing more playing with the transformers.

The girls loved the tire swing.

I tried sneaking up on these two who were holding hands but they turned around before I got a picture so I took one of them smiling at me instead.

Can you spot Andrew's new transformer, Optimus Prime?

Had to get a photo with Nana since she traveled all the way from New York.  

Exploring the playground.

Don't fall!

Relaxing on the swing before it was time to head home.

Me and the birthday boy.

Glad Nana was able to join us for Andrew's birthday.  It was a special treat having her here to celebrate his birthday.

This little guy was fast asleep once we got in the car.  He was wiped out from playing at the park.

Andrew was excited to open more presents and it was hard for him to wait most of the day.

Julia was excited to give him her present which consisted of two transformers, $4 of her own money (although she wanted to give him $16) and a book she wrote about Rescue Bots.

One of my favorite pictures from the day.

Family photo.

Andrew playing with his new transformers.  All he wanted for his birthday were transformers.

Nana made him a yummy ice cream cake for his birthday dessert.  It was delicious!

I love this one of Andrew blowing out his candles which of course are green.

Make a wish birthday boy!

Looks like he's ready to eat that whole cake but think again birthday boy.  Happy Birthday my sweet boy!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that I get to spend Andrew's birthday with him! I was so happy to be able to make him a cake, too. I never was able to make a cake for any of the grandchildren yet, he is the first one. I also loved meeting Case and Hailey and their Mom, Nicole. What a nice family! Happy Birthday Andrew! Nana loves you!
