Saturday, June 27, 2015

Leaving Santa Rosa Beach

Boy cousins!

Andrew 4, Alexander 4 1/2 and Julia 6 1/2 years old.  They definitely had fun together.

Sisters and our kids minus Victoria who didn't come to the beach.

Ready to hit the road but sad to be leaving the beach.

Final good-bye hug.  Tears from Julia as we drove away.  She's my sensitive girl and gets very upset with saying good-bye to people.

Lots of rain and traffic on the way home but Andrew had fun coloring pictures with a paintbrush filled with water.  So many great memories from our trip but one of my favorite things was when Julia said thank you for taking us to the beach. We had such a fun week and we're so thankful we got the chance to spend the week together and happy to see Aunt Kim and Alexander.  Cousins always have a great time when we get together!  We really liked Santa Rosa Beach and the area so much.  I'm sure we'll make another visit here again sometime soon.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Santa Rosa Beach...Day 6

Our last day at the beach was a good one!  Andrew having an apple for a snack before heading to the beach!

Ready to do some more digging!

Daddy and Julia made a starfish...I should have taken a picture of the finished product.

Still playing with the dump truck.  Lots of sand needed to be dumped into the ocean - well actually it was the Gulf of Mexico to be specific.  

We got these little nets and tried catching a fish but it was much harder than expected even though we saw lots of little ones swimming around.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Santa Rosa Beach...Day 5

Another day at the beach and the kids are at work already.

More digging!  It was so cute they took turns being the workers and the boss.  Love the beautiful water we had at Santa Rosa Beach.

Such a great beach!

Julia wasn't all that happy because I made her wear a hat...hence the grumpy look on her face.

Andrew is having fun with the dump truck again!

Alexander is ready to have a turn on the boogie board.

Andrew was busy doing some kind of dance moves on the beach.  Who knows?

Alexander, Aunt Kim, and Julia after a nice walk on the beach.

Such an absolute beautiful beach!  Clear water and great sand!

It looks like it's Andrew's turn to be the worker!

Our beach set up.  Julia and Alexander chilling out in the shade!

Andrew and Daddy enjoying the great day!

We're so glad Aunt Kim and Alexander joined us for a few days during the week!  We had a blast enjoying some beach time with them.

Right before the middle of the day downpour.  We were on the beach and as we were getting our stuff together to head home it started to get windy and then rain.  Julia thought it was fun as she used the boogie board as a kite.

Look at Andrew's face! He clearly didn't like the wind and the rain storm at all.

Family photo on the beach but not the greatest light.  It was a cloudy sunset so not much sun to get any great photos.

Me and my little girl!

Need to get Alexander to smile!

The little boys upside down.

Giggling Andrew.

Daddy and his little girl.

I always get a picture with my sister and our kids when we get together except this one is missing Victoria since she didn't come to the beach.

These two just love each other!  They both always wanted to do what the other was doing.

A fun night of everyone playing Uno.  Julia said this was one of her favorite parts of the trip.  A great way to end another day at the beach.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Santa Rosa Beach...Day 4

It rained last night while we were sleeping so it cooled things down some so it was a perfect morning for a bike ride.  We didn't plan on stopping for ice cream before lunch but why not it's vacation, right?  The kids all loved their cones with sprinkles as a special treat before eating lunch.  Whose idea was this anyways?

Andrew even managed to stay quite clean!

Alexander is loving his cone and enjoying his time between his two cousins.

Chocolate chip cookie dough with rainbow sprinkles.  Delicious!

Biking together as a family was heaps of fun!  

Having fun playing around in the pool!

Look at this fun guy!

I love his facial expression here!

Julia finally gained the confidence to swim across the pool without a floatie!  She did so awesome and we're super proud of her!

Holding hands again!  Cousin love.

Absolutely love these two to pieces!  Very thankful for happy and healthy kids!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Santa Rosa Beach...Day 3

Today we started off by going to the pool first since my sister and nephew would be here around lunch and we knew we'd all be heading to the beach once they arrived.  Look at these two swimming cuties with their goggles and swim tubes ready to swim!

I love all of Andrew's funny facial expressions.

Cousin crew is ready for the beach!

Florida!  How excited is Alexander to be at the beach and not in the car?

These three are ready for some fun!

Already at work with the dump truck.

Fill up the dump truck with sand and dump it into the ocean.

Julia and Andrew were so excited to see Alexander and have him spend a few days with us at the beach.  Thankfully they took a break from working so I could get a photo of the three of them.

More digging.

Add some water.

Our little set up on the beach.  There were people but not too crowded.  It was awesome!

Andrew taking the dump truck for a spin.

Through the waves.  This dump truck was an awesome toy for the beach.

Aren't these two cute?  They just love each other!

Enjoying a great dinner in the condo!

Team Denno got Andrew a cute lego set for his birthday. He was very excited to get some new toys!  Great first day with my sister and my nephew.