Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

Just four days before Nana and Papa came into town for Christmas both Julia and Andrew came down with the flu but luckily it wasn't bad and they were feeling better by the time they arrived.  Obviously they were excited to see them!

Julia always gets so excited about Christmas each really makes the holiday so much fun!  She just can't wait for the day to open presents and she even has fun looking through our family presents to see which one belongs to who.

Tradition continues that after church you get to open one gift.  We actually tried going to two different masses but they were filled up and we never got to go to Christmas Eve mass.  Both masses reached capacity and they wouldn't let anybody else in the church.

Definitely Julia's fake smile because she just wanted to get the picture over with so she could open her gift.

So excited about the fishing pole to use in the bathtub.

Andrew opening his transformer.

Nana and Papa with the kids and their first gift of Christmas.

Love my family!

Ready to sprinkle our reindeer food on the lawn.

We wanted to be sure Santa could easily find our house.  Mission complete!  Inside to get ready for bed so Santa can deliver his gifts!


  1. We had so much fun!!!! Thank you for sharing your Christmas with us again this year.

  2. Absolutely, we loved having you both here!

  3. Can't wait for our summer visit! And all you Browns coming to visit us this summer, too.
