Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pumpkin Carving

Our annual tradition of carving pumpkins continues.  It's always a bit messy but the kids love it!

Andrew looks a bit excited!

This is the first year Julia actually put her hand in the pumpkin to clean out the inside.  Every other year she would use a spoon but never actually put her hand in and clean it out.  It's kinda gross so I don't blame her.

Kids hard at work cleaning out their pumpkins.

Giving seeds to dad so he can roast them.

She even helped Andrew clean out his pumpkin.


Messy hands!

Andrew got messy too but I'm not as surprised about that.

Daddy carved Andrew's pumpkin to look like a pirate since he's dressing up as Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

Julia wanted her pumpkin to look like Elsa so this was the best Thomas could do.  We also added a princess crown on top once we put it outside.

1 comment:

  1. I want Julia and Andrew to come to my house and clean out my pumpkin for me. I love to roast the seeds, but don't like the slime on the seeds.
