Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween

Our Halloween was definitely a busy one and filled with great times!  In the morning I took Andrew to the new Avalon shopping complex and he went trick or treating at the different stores.  From there I went into Julia's classroom at school to volunteer for Fall Centers.  We had a little time to relax after school before heading to a Halloween Hangout down the street.  We hung out there for a while and then headed over to a friends house so the kids could trick or treat with some friends.

Our family at the Halloween Hangout.

Had to stop and trick or treat at Mr. Evan and Mrs. Diana's house before we left the neighborhood and headed over to a friend's house.  We always trick or treat at their house first every year...the tradition continues!

Julia and her friend Haleigh from school.

The Elsa girls are ready to trick or treat.

Fun time trick or treating with friends!

Mommy and Daddy took turns helping Andrew keep up with the rest of the group.  We both got in some exercise that night.

Andrew was so excited about trick or treating...he loved it!

Trying to get them to stop for a photo wasn't easy...they were all about being on the move.

Andrew checking out his candy when we got back home.

Julia is checking out her treats too!

 A piece of candy for breakfast...why not!

Picking out the perfect piece of candy for breakfast!  Way too many choices.

1 comment:

  1. I am so far behind in my comments to the blog, it seems like Halloween was a couple of months ago. I remember the boys sorting their candy and deciding what to eat. Very exciting.
