Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween

Our Halloween was definitely a busy one and filled with great times!  In the morning I took Andrew to the new Avalon shopping complex and he went trick or treating at the different stores.  From there I went into Julia's classroom at school to volunteer for Fall Centers.  We had a little time to relax after school before heading to a Halloween Hangout down the street.  We hung out there for a while and then headed over to a friends house so the kids could trick or treat with some friends.

Our family at the Halloween Hangout.

Had to stop and trick or treat at Mr. Evan and Mrs. Diana's house before we left the neighborhood and headed over to a friend's house.  We always trick or treat at their house first every year...the tradition continues!

Julia and her friend Haleigh from school.

The Elsa girls are ready to trick or treat.

Fun time trick or treating with friends!

Mommy and Daddy took turns helping Andrew keep up with the rest of the group.  We both got in some exercise that night.

Andrew was so excited about trick or treating...he loved it!

Trying to get them to stop for a photo wasn't easy...they were all about being on the move.

Andrew checking out his candy when we got back home.

Julia is checking out her treats too!

 A piece of candy for breakfast...why not!

Picking out the perfect piece of candy for breakfast!  Way too many choices.

Mommy's Boots

Waiting to get ready to go to a Halloween party and Julia had fun wearing my boots...she is loving them!  May need to get her a pair some time soon.

Too bad this picture is too dark but you get the idea.  It was super cute watching her sing and dance while wearing my boots!  She's such a FUN girl!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Andrew's Fall Festival

Each year the preschool has a Fall Festival complete with a costume parade, games, crafts, and bounce houses and jumbo slides.  It's always so much fun!  All the kids and teachers dressed up for the parade...and here comes our little pirate Jake.

He was all smiles when he saw Thomas and me.

Class photo!  It was the best one I took.

The first thing Andrew wanted to do after the parade and class pictures was to go and get some popcorn.  I must say the popcorn is yummy!

Then he made a bracelet with beads.

Look at the cute pumpkin people his class made!

Enjoying a cookie he decorated!

Andrew enjoyed the big slide the best!  He went down it a ton of times!

And giggled every time!  We're so thankful for the fun Fall Festival the preschool puts on each year...we always have a great time!  It was a little different this year since Julia was in big kid school and didn't get to attend.  We still had fun but missed doing all the fun stuff with her too!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pumpkin Carving

Our annual tradition of carving pumpkins continues.  It's always a bit messy but the kids love it!

Andrew looks a bit excited!

This is the first year Julia actually put her hand in the pumpkin to clean out the inside.  Every other year she would use a spoon but never actually put her hand in and clean it out.  It's kinda gross so I don't blame her.

Kids hard at work cleaning out their pumpkins.

Giving seeds to dad so he can roast them.

She even helped Andrew clean out his pumpkin.


Messy hands!

Andrew got messy too but I'm not as surprised about that.

Daddy carved Andrew's pumpkin to look like a pirate since he's dressing up as Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

Julia wanted her pumpkin to look like Elsa so this was the best Thomas could do.  We also added a princess crown on top once we put it outside.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Halloween Party

One of Julia's friends from her class who also happens to be in her dance class had a Halloween Party and she invited Julia and even let Andrew come too.  I know the mom since they were in speech together last year and it was so nice she let Andrew join in on the fun too!  It was quite the party and the kids had a blast!  The first game was to punch through the paper and there was a prize inside.

There were many girls from Julia's class at school invited and of course Julia and Haleigh were side by side for the whole party!  Two sweet girls who both dressed up as Elsa.

Julia's turn to punch out a prize!

Haleigh, Julia and Casey.

Tons of the girls dressed up as Elsa so we had to take a photo of them all.  There were so many I didn't even get them all in the photo.

Another game they played was pass the present and when the music stops the person holding it gets to unwrap it and keep it.  She made sure everyone got a present to unwrap and keep.

Julia's turn to unwrap a gift.

Another activity was they had to get a partner and one person was to wrap the other up in toilet paper like a mummy but both Julia and Haleigh weren't interested in getting wrapped up in toilet paper...who can blame them, right?  Instead they wrapped up Haleigh's mom, Nicole, like a mummy.  I missed out on the opportunity to get wrapped in toilet paper since I took Andrew to the bathroom.  I love this one of the girls giggling!

The things we do for our kids...getting wrapped up in toilet paper.  Jennifer's mom, Ms. Brenda, sure knows how to throw a party.  Everyone had a blast!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Trunk or Treat

It was definitely a last minute thing but we went to the trunk or treat event at our church on Friday evening.  I wasn't planning on going but thought it would be fun for the kids and we had no other plans so why not.  This year we have Elsa from Frozen and Jake from the Disney show Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  Definitely two cuties for sure!

Yo ho let's go!

They had some games and crafts the kids could do before the trunk or treat started.  The kids painted pumpkins which turned out super cute...hence why we may try painting pumpkins next year.

Checking out her yummy treats from the trunk or treat.

It was a spur of the moment outing but we had such a good time!

Back at home and really looking through all her goodies!