Friday, November 29, 2013

North Pole Breakfast

Our elf Griffin is back and this year he surprised the kids with breakfast from the North Pole. He brought donuts, M&M's, hot chocolate, and stuffed elves the kids can play with since you're not allowed to touch the real one or it will lose it's magic.

He even left a note for both Julia and Andrew.

Andrew didn't waste any time digging into his dish of M&M's.

I love Julia's excitement as I was reading her letter to her.  She was absolutely thrilled about the whole thing.

Julia loved all the little details like the straw.

and the red ribbon tied around the fork and napkin.  I love how she notices and appreciates all the fine details.

Julia loves her stuffed elf.

Andrew loved the donut and ate all of it.  Julia on the other hand only took a few bites.

Little orange juice boy.  He LOVES orange juice and it's definitely his favorite drink as where Julia's favorite drink is water.

Andrew showing me his stuffed elf.

Cuddling her new stuffed elf.

Too interested in their elves to look at me.  We're very excited for Christmas and we're ready so let the holiday season begin!  The best part of the whole breakfast was Julia thanking her elf Griffin for bringing them breakfast and her stuffed elf.  She honestly said thanks many many times during the morning and told Griffin he was the best elf ever.  Such a sweet gesture from the sweetest girl and it just makes my heart smile!

1 comment:

  1. That Elf is very lucky to have such cute little kids to visit. It looks like they just love having their own elfs. Nice Mommy, too, for all the work that went into making the special elf breakfast.
