Saturday, November 30, 2013

Tree Lighting at The Collection

This year we headed to The Collection to enjoy a tree lighting close to home.  It literally only takes 10 minutes to get there so Thomas was more than happy to attend.  Julia and Andrew are loving their stuffed elves that Griffin their elf brought them.  It's still hard to get a good photo of them together.

Sweet Julia willing to sit and have her picture taken.

Our family all ready for the holiday season.  So excited for Christmas this year since both Julia and Andrew will be very excited about what Santa bring them.

Friday, November 29, 2013

North Pole Breakfast

Our elf Griffin is back and this year he surprised the kids with breakfast from the North Pole. He brought donuts, M&M's, hot chocolate, and stuffed elves the kids can play with since you're not allowed to touch the real one or it will lose it's magic.

He even left a note for both Julia and Andrew.

Andrew didn't waste any time digging into his dish of M&M's.

I love Julia's excitement as I was reading her letter to her.  She was absolutely thrilled about the whole thing.

Julia loved all the little details like the straw.

and the red ribbon tied around the fork and napkin.  I love how she notices and appreciates all the fine details.

Julia loves her stuffed elf.

Andrew loved the donut and ate all of it.  Julia on the other hand only took a few bites.

Little orange juice boy.  He LOVES orange juice and it's definitely his favorite drink as where Julia's favorite drink is water.

Andrew showing me his stuffed elf.

Cuddling her new stuffed elf.

Too interested in their elves to look at me.  We're very excited for Christmas and we're ready so let the holiday season begin!  The best part of the whole breakfast was Julia thanking her elf Griffin for bringing them breakfast and her stuffed elf.  She honestly said thanks many many times during the morning and told Griffin he was the best elf ever.  Such a sweet gesture from the sweetest girl and it just makes my heart smile!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thanksgiving Feast

Another Thanksgiving Feast at Cumming First Baptist Preschool.  It was a great feast and we all had a wonderful time.  Thankful for many things but most importantly our health along with family and friends.

I love the things Julia said she was thankful for this year.  Every night we always say something we're thankful for before dinner so Julia is very aware of what it means to be thankful.

Julia and her class along with another class all ready to sing.  Julia is in the front row on the bottom left wearing pink tights of course.

They were so cute!  Once they were done singing I took a picture of Julia with her friend Grace and the Indian shirt came off since Julia didn't think it was fancy enough and it covered up her cute outfit...she's so funny.

Julia and her best friend Grace.  These two girls are just the sweetest!  It was great to sit with them at the feast.

Me and my silly little girl.  So thankful for her!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Texas Trip - goodbye photo

Quick photo before we hit the road for our 12 hour trip back to Atlanta.  We had such a great time creating memories and look forward to our next visit!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Texas Trip - Crepes...yummy!

Monday night after dinner we walked to the village for the best dessert ever.  It was up for discussion about who was going to go out for dessert but so glad everyone came along.

Victoria all snuggled up joined the fun too!

Julia and Mommy shared the nutella, strawberry and banana crepe with vanilla ice cream.  Seriously the best dessert I've had in a while.  My sister and I had one during my visit in August for her birthday so I said I wanted to go back during this visit.

My brother-in-law Bradley sporting his mustache for Movember to raise awareness for prostate cancer.  Alexander enjoyed the dessert just like Julia and Andrew.  

Texas Trip - Herman Park

We always make a visit to Herman Park when we visit my sister.  It's such a great park and so close to her house complete with a train ride. What's not to love?

Rough life for Victoria.  Snoozing while waiting for the train.  Another outfit Julia picked out for Victoria to wear and one she wore as a baby too.

Choo choo.  All aboard!

All the kids loved the train ride!

Pure happiness!  I love this photo.

Only 6 months apart separate Alexander and Andrew in age.  Both such cute boys!

Such fun times with my kiddos.

First train ride for Victoria.  I'm sure there will be many more in her future.

Feeding the birds and the ducks.

Love this little girl to pieces.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Texas Trip...Baptism

Sweet Victoria getting baptized on such a beautiful day in Texas. So glad we were there to celebrate my little niece.  Thomas and I are her Godparents so we made the trip to Texas for her special day. 

Kimberly with her little girl.  Victoria is my sisters middle name and now passed down to her daughter.

Snoozing Victoria.

The happy parents with their sweet little girl Victoria.

So honored to be Victoria's Godparents.

Sisters with our hubbies and Victoria while the other three kids were running around in the grass.

Jace (Brad's step brother), Kimberly, Victoria, Bradley and his dad.

Kimberly, Victoria, Bradley, his mom and step dad.

Had to get a photo of Julia Kimberly and Aunt Kimberly.  Love these two girls!

I heard the cake was yummy but I never even tasted it.  I had some key lime pie my sister made instead.

Holding such a sweet girl.  Definitely miss my kids being babies.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Texas Trip...Cousin Time

It's been about 4 years since we've made the 12 hour drive to Texas to visit my sister.  Of course we've seen her since then many times but the last time we drove there was for Christmas before Julia turned one and now she's almost 5 years old...kinda hard to believe.  We had plans to try and drive overnight but that didn't work and we got a hotel in Mobile, Alabama and did the rest the next day.  It's just too long of a drive for the kids who are trapped in a car seat and can't move at all.  My niece Victoria was getting baptized and we're the Godparents so we extended our visit a bit to enjoy some time with family.  Despite the long drive it was well worth it!  Lots of fun!  Lots of photos of the cousins during our visit.  

Both Julia and Andrew LOVED Victoria.  I knew Julia would but I was a little surprised by how much Andrew loved her too.  If Victoria wasn't around he would ask, 'Where's Victoria?'  If I was carrying her he would want me to get on my knees so he could see her better.  It was super cute!

Sweet Victoria wearing one of the many outfits Julia wore as a baby.  Made me smile but also a little sad at the same time.  Julia loved picking out Victoria clothes each day!

Alexander loved Julia and always wanted her to play.

The boys enjoying breakfast.  Julia is definitely my love bug who likes to sleep in.  Alexander was always wondering when Julia was going to wake up.

3 of the 4 cousins....Julia still sleeping.  She took a nap in the car the day before so she went to bed late hence the sleeping in.

Andrew's mad face.  Not even sure he was really mad about anything but once he made the face I had to take a photo since I've been wanting a mad face photo.

Alexander and Julia....there was some hugging and wrestling between these two kiddos.

Julia's first time holding Victoria...she loved it!

Andrew's first time holding Victoria...he loved it too!

The boys taking the kids to the park while the moms hit the grocery store with Victoria.

Julia and Andrew admiring their cousin Victoria.  

The girls ready for bed.

Julia giving Victoria some love.

The big kids having a snack.  Who can eat the most cuties?

Our train conductor Andrew.  He loved Alexander's train costume.  All aboard.

Costume time.