Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Make Up Ballet Story

Julia is loving ballet and it's been fun seeing her learn new things since she started in September 2011. Her she is practicing some ballet moves and modeling her new ballet outfit.  I had to share a story that happened a few weeks ago that I thought was super cute.  I told Julia we were going to a make-up ballet class since we missed one and all was well.  We went to class and on the way home she said she didn't do make-up ballet today.  I said yes you did we just finished your make-up ballet class but she assured me she didn't do make-up ballet.  Turns out Julia thought they were going to put on make-up for ballet class.  She was a little sad until I explained what it meant.  Love how they take things very literal...after all I did say make-up ballet class and what else would that mean to a four year old girl.

1 comment:

  1. That is such a cute story, I guess Mommy will be doing a make-up class at home. Julia could not be more girlie.
