Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fun with Andrew

While Julia is at school on Tuesday and Thursday mornings it's time for Andrew and I to run a few errands since it's easier with only one kid or stay home and get a few things done and just play with my favorite little guy.  I try and mix it up so he's not always running errands or always staying home.  I'm looking forward to the warmer weather so we can get outdoors and play instead and he's going to LOVE that.  He is so much fun and loves to laugh and giggle at everything!  I thought I would snap a few photos of him while we were playing in his room the other day before lunch.  Such fun times and I'm so thankful to be able to spend this one on one time with him like I did with Julia when she was little.

He just laughs and laughs and laughs some more.

He's still laughing and giggling and I'm not even trying to tickle him.

Valentine's Day

Julia enjoyed her first Valentine's Day party at school!  She had to write her name on all the cards she gave out and she loved looking at the valentines she received!  Many people added a piece of candy with their valentine and I think she's only eaten two pieces and hasn't even asked about it.  Julia was so sweet and wanted to get her teachers flowers so the night before he headed to Publix and she picked out some beautiful red tulips and made them cards as well.  I should have taken a picture of her bringing them into school because she was so excited to give them to her teachers.  It was all her idea and oh so very sweet!  I just love my sweet Julia!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine Candy Counting

I thought a fun way to practice counting would be to count candy Valentine hearts and then get to eat some too!  Julia had to read the number and count out that many hearts and put them into the section of the mini muffin pan.  

She started out with one and worked her way to twelve but decided she wanted to organize them by color too.  For example the number nine had to have nine hearts all the same color and so forth.  Such a fun way to practice counting!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Tea Party

With Valentine's Day right around the corner Pottery Barn Kids hosted a tea party and Julia and I were all excited.  Tea Party means dressing up of course.  I must say Pottery Barn Kids did a great job...kudos to them!  First they made a card with crayons and stickers, had a heart shaped cookie with pink icing and a drink, read a story and made a super cute wand!  Julia brought her baby and had a great time!

Working on her card while holding her baby.

The balloons made it look more festive.

Showing me her cookie.

Enjoying her cookie.

Julia was so proud of her wand.  I love being able to do all these girly things with my Julia.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Another Fun Outfit

Another fun outfit Julia put together.  Sometimes she picks out things that don't match but look super cute!  She loves coming down and showing us what she has picked out to wear and I do too!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bananas and Books

A few cute photos of my cutie who loves bananas and books too!  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Make Up Ballet Story

Julia is loving ballet and it's been fun seeing her learn new things since she started in September 2011. Her she is practicing some ballet moves and modeling her new ballet outfit.  I had to share a story that happened a few weeks ago that I thought was super cute.  I told Julia we were going to a make-up ballet class since we missed one and all was well.  We went to class and on the way home she said she didn't do make-up ballet today.  I said yes you did we just finished your make-up ballet class but she assured me she didn't do make-up ballet.  Turns out Julia thought they were going to put on make-up for ballet class.  She was a little sad until I explained what it meant.  Love how they take things very literal...after all I did say make-up ballet class and what else would that mean to a four year old girl.


We have another little one who likes Elmo around here.  Andrew often wanted to hold Julia's Elmo so he just recently got his own and he goes around saying Elmo.  He likes the Elmo camera we have along with an Elmo guitar and an Elmo spinning toy that lights up.  Glad they are both getting use out of the same toys!

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Our little guy loves bananas! Whenever we go to the store and buy bananas (which is every time we go to the store) Andrew finds them in the bag and takes them out and starts to open it.  He really loves bananas and it's so cute.  He clearly knows by now that when we go to the store we'll come home with bananas.  And just the other day Andrew and I walked into the grocery store to grab some orange juice and we walked by the produce and he saw the bananas and he said bananas with such enthusiasm.  He was quite excited that we bought some of them too.