Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Waking Up

The other day when Andrew was waking up from his nap I thought he looked just like Julia so I ran downstairs and grabbed the camera before he was fully awake.

Ever since Andrew was born I always saw similarities between him and Julia. The two pictures of them waking up really show how much they look alike as babies. Andrew is 6 1/2 weeks old and Julia is about 3 months old. Do you think they look alike? I do! :)

We have this photo on our refrigerator and seeing Andrew waking up in his crib the other day reminded me so much of our little love bug. We're so fortunate to have two cute little kids!

1 comment:

  1. YES, they do look alike, I didn't see it as clearly as I do now that you have both pictures to compare. I think it's so cute that he is doing the little stretching over his head just like Julia did.
