Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July and I hope you did too! We had some friends over for a BBQ and then watched fireworks from the back of our car since it was raining. Not much else says America than Hoffman hot dogs, Heluva Good dip, macaroni salad, fruit, beans, and of course apple pie. Julia wasn't in the mood to have her picture taken but I managed to get a few worth sharing.

If you've never seen Julia do her dance while holding the Elmo camera then it's something you must see. Maybe I'll try and have her do it and take a video of it because it's so cute and it puts a smile on my face every time I see it.

Julia and Liam enjoyed playing together at our BBQ.

This photo cracks me up. I took a ton of pictures of the four of them and this was the best one and nobody is even looking at the camera. Liam is holding his little sister Lyla and Julia is holding her little brother Andrew. So cute!

Andrew is the All American Baby and he's out cold from all the festivities. Happy 4th of July!

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are so cute. I love Julia's t-shirt, and skirt and bow and Andrew's cute onesie, too. I think the picture of the 4 kids is so cute and predictable. Every time we try to get all 3 of Brian's kids the same thing happens to us. Lyla, is such a GREAT name. It looks like Julia is bigger than Liam, I thought he was the older one.
