Sunday, July 31, 2011

So cute!

Things are going well around the Brown house with two kids and we're getting into a good routine. It will get easier once Andrew sleeps through the night but he'll do that once he's ready. No complaining from me since he's only 2 months old and ever so cute. He'll be grown up before I know it so I'm enjoying where he's at now. I try and take a nap when both Julia and Andrew are napping but that doesn't always workout. Today I managed to get a 30 minute nap which is better than nothing. I had to get a photo with my little guy..he's so cute and I love his blond hair even more than the day he was born.

Andrew looks like a big boy sitting up in the recliner that's in his room. I must say that is one comfy chair. He sure is getting big and feeding him every two hours during the day and even during the night sometimes is really starting to show. Soon we have his two month check up so we'll find out his percentiles but he's definitely growing.

I actually have a picture of Julia just like this with her arms stretched way out and we called it the "Hug Me" photo and of course they look so much alike to me. Just in the last week Andrew is doing much more smiling and cooing, definitely one of my favorite things that babies do.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Aunt Kim and Alexander visit

Aunt Kim and Alexander came to visit us and stayed for a week. It was a busy week with Julia (2 1/2 years old), Alexander (7 months old), and Andrew (7 weeks old) but we had heaps of fun! We were often out numbered since Thomas was working but everything went great. The first time Alexander saw Andrew he just stared at him and smiled, it was very cute. Before long these two little guys will be getting into trouble when they get together. Just to warn you, I posted a ton of photos from the week. :)

I love Alexander's big blue eyes. He does such a great job of playing by himself.

Alexander and his mommy. Alexander is playing with the Fisher Price school bus which was one of his favorite toys while he was here but it didn't make it into the picture.

This photo cracks me up because it wasn't even staged. There's no way we could have even gotten them to do that if we tried.

Andrew has been doing great on tummy time with lifting his head. Look at how high off the ground his head is!

On our way to the pool and Andrew, Julia and Alexander are all ready! I love the big smile on Julia's face. Julia always helps me out with Andrew and she did a great job of helping Aunt Kim with Alexander as well.

Julia and Alexander had fun at the little pool.

Alexander and Julia look so cute looking up!

Alexander loved playing with Julia's ball. Julia did such a great job of sharing her toys all week.

It was quite funny having three car seats in the car right next to each other. Good thing my car was in the shop that week and we had a huge Ford Expedition rental.

The two boy cousins in their car seats on the way to the mall. The car seats are the same and it's funny how Alexander is tall enough to cover the chicco logo and Andrew's head doesn't even reach the logo. Before long they will be about the same size.

Hanging out in Andrew's room in the morning. Julia is such a big girl holding her cousin Alexander and her little brother Andrew. Elmo even managed to get in the photo too!

It was a busy morning but we all had such a great time at the sprayground.

Julia with her sweet friend Cole. We meet Cole and his mommy through our Mommy and Me Outing playgroup.

Julia had fun at the sprayground, I just love the expression on her face.

Alexander enjoyed the little fountain at East Roswell Sprayground, it was the perfect size for him.

Andrew is dressed for a monster truck show while Alexander is ready for a black tie event.

One last photo of my sister and me and our kids before we headed to the airport. Julia was a bit sad when we dropped them off but we look forward to spending time together again real soon. What a fun week! Thanks Kim for're the best sister!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Congratulations Daddy

Last week Daddy found out he was promoted to the Director of Planning and Development for Forsyth County. He's worked hard and we're very proud of him that we had a cookie cake to celebrate his hard work! We never would have thought he would have been director when we moved down here in 1998. We definitely love living here in Atlanta!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Waking Up

The other day when Andrew was waking up from his nap I thought he looked just like Julia so I ran downstairs and grabbed the camera before he was fully awake.

Ever since Andrew was born I always saw similarities between him and Julia. The two pictures of them waking up really show how much they look alike as babies. Andrew is 6 1/2 weeks old and Julia is about 3 months old. Do you think they look alike? I do! :)

We have this photo on our refrigerator and seeing Andrew waking up in his crib the other day reminded me so much of our little love bug. We're so fortunate to have two cute little kids!

Nana and Papa visit

Nana and Papa came to visit us for about 10 days and we had lots of fun! They definitely helped us out a bunch as we adjusted to life with two kids. Julia really enjoyed having them around and I'm sure Andrew did too. Julia thinks it's so funny that Papa is pretending to be in the car with her. She's looking at the camera but also trying to look at Papa with her cute!

Only those wearing blue shirts are allowed in the picture. Papa, Julia and Daddy all look great in blue!

When Julia was little we took some photos in her room with Nana and Papa so we wanted to do the same with Andrew. Thomas did such a great job with the molding and the painting in his room and we love it just as much as Julia's room. Mommy gets credit for the decorating.

Julia wasn't that interested in getting her picture taken that day but we managed to get her in a few photos. Here's Nana and Papa with their two Georgia grandkids. Julia is almost 2 1/2 years old and Andrew is only 6 weeks old.

One more photo in Andrew's room with everyone except Julia. She decided it was more fun to close all the doors upstairs.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sip and See for Andrew

On Sunday two friends hosted a Sip and See for Andrew. Everything was absolutely lovely and it was so nice to relax and spend time with friends. All the food was delicious and the presentation was beautiful. It was really nice to have a special event to welcome Andrew. We're so blessed to have him as part of our family.

Kate and Jenny from our Mommy and Me Outing playgroup hosted the Sip and See. Both of them are pregnant with boys and due in the next two months. They look great and were so kind to host the Sip and See especially since they are in the third trimester. Funny enough but I met Jenny at story time at the library and Jenny met Kate at a park and she invited both of us to join the Mommy and Me Outing playgroup and since then we've all met some great moms and their kids.

Nana got to spend some quality time with her grandson at the Sip and See. Andrew looks super cute in his outfit that Nana bought for him.

Mommy and Andrew having a great time at the Sip and See. My little guy is so handsome and has moved onto double digits in the weight department. He weighs over 10 pounds at just 5 weeks which is amazing to me since it took Julia 4 months to weigh over 10 pounds.

A close up shot of my little man. He's so handsome and he was so good at the Sip and See.

A group photo of the girls from our Mommy and Me Outing playgroup. Jenny, Marcie and her little guy Simeon, me and Andrew, Kate, and Sally. Julia and I love everyone from our playgroup.

Simeon and Andrew loved being the only guys at the Sip and See! Simeon is about 4 months older than Andrew and it's so nice that they are close in age so they can be buddies.

Jenny gave me some treats to take home from the Sip and See. Julia really enjoyed eating one of the brownies after dinner even though she called it a cookie.

Andrew is just relaxing at home after the Sip and See. We had such a great time and thank everyone for coming and celebrating Andrew with us.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July and I hope you did too! We had some friends over for a BBQ and then watched fireworks from the back of our car since it was raining. Not much else says America than Hoffman hot dogs, Heluva Good dip, macaroni salad, fruit, beans, and of course apple pie. Julia wasn't in the mood to have her picture taken but I managed to get a few worth sharing.

If you've never seen Julia do her dance while holding the Elmo camera then it's something you must see. Maybe I'll try and have her do it and take a video of it because it's so cute and it puts a smile on my face every time I see it.

Julia and Liam enjoyed playing together at our BBQ.

This photo cracks me up. I took a ton of pictures of the four of them and this was the best one and nobody is even looking at the camera. Liam is holding his little sister Lyla and Julia is holding her little brother Andrew. So cute!

Andrew is the All American Baby and he's out cold from all the festivities. Happy 4th of July!