Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Welcome Andrew William Brown

Friday, June 3rd started off as a normal day with a play date down the street.

At 4:30 in the afternoon my water broke and we were at the hospital a little before 6:00 ready to have our baby boy. Here I am much happier and more comfortable after getting the epidural. I was about 7 cm dilated when I got the epidural and I can't think of a time in my life where I was in as much pain as then so I'm glad that's in the past.

After pushing for an hour we welcomed our little boy into the world at 11:44pm on June 3, 2011. Even though it was a painful experience, it was all worth it! Meet Andrew William Brown who weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz. and was 20 inches long. Often times people ask how you came up with their name. Well Andrew is a name that we liked every since we found out we were pregnant with Julia and William is Thomas' middle name and his fathers name. Here's our little guy getting checked out from the Special Care Nurses since I ended up having a fever during delivery (which happened when Julia was born too). I guess it's just the way my body reacts to the epidural and the whole experience of having a baby.

My first chance to hold my little guy. I was so thrilled to finally hold him and meet our new bundle of joy. I must say he's so cute.

Here's our little guy with us in the recovery room. It was quite a different experience of having him with us in the room as compared to when Julia was born since she was in the NICU.

Thomas went and got Julia on Saturday and brought her to the hospital so she could meet her little brother. I must say she LOVES her brother.

Andrew had to stay in the hospital an extra night due to me having a fever during delivery so I was discharged on Sunday and we went back on Monday morning to pick him up. Definitely not easy going home without him and we had to experience that all over again since Julia had to stay an extra night when she was born too. Julia was quite sad when we had to leave him at the hospital on Sunday night. It was much better going home as a family of 4 on Monday.

First car ride, Andrew slept the whole way home.

Daddy and Julia welcomed Andrew into our house.

Andrew looking so cute all stretched out in the pack and play which we're keeping downstairs. Don't you just love his onesie? I bought it since Thomas likes to play the guitar even though he doesn't often get the chance. Such a cute going home outfit that will go in his memory box.

Our handsome little guy with his eyes open.

Julia LOVES to hold Andrew and she's been doing a great job of being gentle with her baby brother. It's definitely very cute to watch.

She gets such a kick out of touching him or if he touches her when he moves his arms or legs.

One of Andrew's first diaper changes at home.

On Tuesday he had his first sponge bath at home. He's such a little cutie with his blond hair..I just love it! His eyes are dark blue right now but I'm sure they will get lighter just like Julia. We feel so fortunate to have Julia and now Andrew in our lives...we really are very lucky parents.


  1. He has such a little man face, just beautiful. Julia just looks thrilled, she's so expressive.

  2. Andrew looks soooo cute! He reminds Bill and I a little bit of Jamesie. I love his outfit, it's so appropiate because of Thomas loving guitars. I can't wait to hold him just like Julia is doing and just watch him just like his big sister!!!!!! The blond hair is amazing and so pretty. (sorry about using pretty to describe a boy)
