Monday, June 27, 2011


On Sunday evening we went to see Miss Gail and the Jumping Jam Band over in Duluth. We first saw her play at Pottery Barn Kids back in December and she was great. I enjoyed it so much that I bought her 2 CD's and we listen to them all the time in the car. They were giving out free beach balls at the concert and Julia and her friend Caroline from down the street each got one and had lots of fun playing with them before the concert started.

The girls look so cute playing with their beach balls. They both did lots of dancing during the concert. Caroline is about 2 weeks older than Julia and we love that she lives only a few houses down the street.

1 comment:

  1. They are adorable together and I am so glad to see that Julia has a little girl living so close to her, I hope they remain good friends through the years.
