Monday, June 28, 2010

Sprayground @ Riverside Park

I just recently heard about this Sprayground Park from a friend and had to take Julia since I knew she'd love it. She was a bit timid at first and not sure what to think but soon enough she realized how much fun it was and when it was time to go she didn't want to leave. She first started playing with the little water fountain...a perfect size for her.

Only mommy and Julia got in the water that day and daddy took photos. Next time daddy said he's going to go in. It was lots of fun!

Still playing near the little water fountain with her hat. She soon decided she didn't want to wear it.

Checking out the bigger water fountain.

Getting more and more adventurous as we headed towards the fountains with lots of water gushing out. Julia is loving it as the water splashes in her face. We'll definitely be heading back real soon for some more fun.

1 comment:

  1. See really makes it look like lots of fun!!! I can't believe that Julia isn't afraid of getting it in her face. See is very brave.

