Sunday, July 2, 2017

Camping in Alabama

My sister and her family were planning on driving here from Texas which is a 12 hour drive for the 4th of July.  My sister had the idea of stopping in Alabama for 2 days to go camping before arriving at our house.  She wanted us to meet them there and camp together.  First off, I am not the camping type of person unless of course it's in a camper with a bathroom, shower, air conditioning, etc but we decided to go anyways.  We met up at Cheaha State Park and the kids were thrilled to see each other!

We made it to our campsite.  Victoria and Julia got right to playing while we set up our tent.

Alexander and Andrew did the same.  It's so nice with 2 boys and 2 girls...they each have a playmate.

Soon after we went on our first short hike.

What a great view we saw!

Kiddos hanging out at Bald Rock.

Brad just had his birthday and Andrew was before that so we celebrated the two June birthdays.

Morning scooter ride right near our campsite while we were making breakfast.

And they're off!

Next up was a morning hike.

It was steep at times but the kids had fun.

This was our stopping point and where we turned around.

Off to the lake to cool off.  What kid doesn't like water and sand?  These four kids loved it!

Loving life!

Playing and having fun!

Julia really wanted to go on a paddle boat so Thomas took her and my sister and Victoria joined them.

Pretty little waterfall on the side of the road.

On the second night we made a fire so we could roast marshmallows and make s'mores.  I neglected to tell you the first night it rained some which was interesting in itself.

We didn't make the fire at our campsite since there were all these tiny bugs flying around which was so annoying.  Instead they had a pavilion just up the road where we made our s'mores and even cooked and ate dinner.  No bugs!

The girls are enjoying their s'mores.  Julia doesn't like marshmallows so she has chocolate inside her graham cracker but still so yummy.

Andrew and Alexander were all about the s'mores.

Happy campers!

Obviously someone likes marshmallows.

Julia roasted some marshmallows for Thomas and me.


Cousin love!

Sisters and cousins.

Before we left we went on one more hike.

We hiked to this pretty waterfall.

It was definitely worth the hike and a great way to end the camping trip.

Sisters and cousins.

Sisters who are very different in many ways but still love each other and spending time together.

Team Brown.

Bradley and Alexander

Team Dennison.  It was definitely a fun trip and I'm glad we went but I won't be going camping anytime soon.  I just don't like how you feel gross and just want a shower.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely with you Nicole, I am never going camping in a tent ever again. I'm glad the kids had the experience. By the way, I love Victoria's longer curly hair, it's very pretty.
