Sunday, July 9, 2017

Blue Mountain Beach...Day 2

Day 2 and we're ready for another fun filled day at the beach.  Julia and Victoria did lots of floating around.  It was nice how the water was so calm so they could hang out there by themselves.

There was a little pool of water on the beach and the kids liked playing in it.  Andrew practiced standing on his boogie board in shallow water.

Working on standing up and getting his balance.

Julia's cooling off in the water and I love how those blue eyes shine.

Water run in action.

Victoria and Julia busy building.

Look at those blue eyes...I love them!

I love this hole Alexander was digging.

Almost always smiling!  He is seriously one happy kid.

Off go the girls to float around.

Sisters and cousins loving life.  So thankful to be spending time together.

And they're off with their own floating device to enjoy the beautiful ocean.  We are so lucky to live only about 6 hours from water this beautiful.  I'm not sure it gets much better than the gulf.  

Alexander using Julia's boogie board to ride some waves.

Julia riding some waves instead of actually floating around on her tube.

The girls are off to play in the water.

These boys did lots of digging.  

Another hard working day at the beach.  Everyone did great with helping carry all our stuff to and from the beach.  It was great to have good helpers since we had lots of stuff.  

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