Saturday, June 3, 2017

Arizona...Day 3 and 4 Andrew's Birthday/Grand Canyon

 We woke up in Sedona and it was Andrew's birthday.  We each had one present to give him for his birthday.  Dad got Andrew this Braves visor which he loved.

 I got him some Mr. books.

 And Julia got him this cool transformer called Brushfire which was kinda funny since we got stuck in traffic because of a brushfire.  Happy 6th Birthday Andrew!

We drive about 2 hours to our next destination of Grand Canyon National Park.

 The Grand Canyon views were amazing but hard to capture in a picture.

 Team Brown on our walked near the Canyon.

 Taking a rest.  There was lots of waking and the kids did great.

 Another family photo in front of the Grand Canyon.

 Hanging out on a cool tree branch.

 Another view.

 Resting again...another chance to take a photo.

 This one is pretty cool...kinda amazing when you think about it.

 We had some tired was a lot.

 Me and my little girl.

 Someone left this fountain dripping just a little and this elk found it and was quenching its thirst.  You might not want to fill your water bottle up there now.

 We enjoyed a beautiful sunset at the Grand Canyon.

 Another sunset photo.

 Thomas brought the kids these glow sticks and they loved them.  They even served as a night light at bedtime.

 On our way back to our room for the night and we saw this huge elk on the side of the road.

 So we turned around to get another look at it.  Now it's crossing the street.

 Close up photo of the was huge and just roaming around.

 Next day and we're ready for a short hike down into the canyon on the Bright Angel Trail.

 We saw these mules carrying dirt down to help maintain the trail.

 Stopping for a rest while the mules passed.

 Such a great view on our hike.

 Cool little tunnel on the Bright Angel Trail.

 On our way back up...obviously much more work than going down.

 The mules were hard at work that day.

 Relaxing after our hike and enjoying the shade.

Our last view of the Grand Canyon before heading back to Phoenix.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing photos!! Loved Andrew's bday expressions of excitement and surprise. I can't wait to go to Arizona someday.
