Saturday, June 11, 2016

Pensacola Beach Day 6

The kids were ready before us to get to the beach so we gave them the job to start bringing down all the stuff.  We always had tons of stuff so it was great our condo was right on the beach.  The kids always did great carrying things.

Today we all spent most of our time in the water so I had to take a photo before I got in.  You can barely see Victoria but she insisted she didn't need any help.  Andrew spent most of his time on his boogie board and kicking away.  I mostly held Alexander since that's how he felt most comfortable and Victoria and Julia switched things up a bit between boogie board and floatie.  Definitely a fun day!

Andrew and his boogie board.  His friend for the day!

Collecting some water in the new buckets they got from dinner the night before.

Victoria (almost 3) and Alexander (5 1/2 years old).

My sister and her kiddos.

Andrew kicking around in the water.

Sweet Julia reading the kids a story.

Playing with bubbles while waiting to go on a trolley ride just for fun since the kids loved it.

Fun activity for the last night was water balloons.

The kids loved helping fill them up.

All ready for some fun with water balloons on the beach.

Watch out you might just get wet.

Big smiles from Julia when one popped all over her shirt.

Playing catch with his momma.

Looks like a balloon popped on Andrew's shorts but he's still smiling.

Such a fun last night on the beach!

Being crazy!

These three had fun on our last night too!  Sad our week came to an end but thankful we got to spend it together at the beach.


  1. I like the one of Andrew and his board on the beach. Ready for some waves! Surf's up, dude!

  2. I love seeing Andrew and his boogie board. He reminded me of Thomas, I know how much he loves boogie boards. Also, I liked seeing Victoria in the little swimming suit that Julia wore when she was that age. Too cute!
