Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sunday Hike...Desoto Falls

We've been having some great weather lately despite all the pollen.  It was a last minute decision but we decided to drive up into the mountains a little and go for a hike to see some waterfalls.  Andrew is all ready for the hike with his hiking stick.

Desoto Falls...two different smaller trails that lead to two different waterfalls.

Julia with her happy walk and hair swinging.

Julia and sweet!

First water fall was a short hike.

These two bring so much fun to our's indescribable.

Happy together.

Smaller waterfall but still pretty.

On the next trail headed towards the second waterfall.

Almost there.

More impressive than the first.

Taking in the sights.

Two fun kids who did great on our hike.

Great photo taken by Julia and I didn't crop it or do anything to it.

Our little family of four.

After we drove a little further to check out Vogel State Park to do a little fishing.  The kids didn't catch anything but probably would have if we had real worms.  A guy next to us caught three little fish and he was using real worms.  Julia said next time we need real worms but she still had fun!

Andrew had tons of fun practicing his casting.

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