Sunday, April 3, 2016

Spring Break Day 2

Morning hugs for cousins.

Ready for a day of sun and sand at the beach.

I love the relationship between Julia and Alexander.  They just love one another!

Andrew spent so much time at the beach digging.  I would say that was his favorite thing to do.


Aunt Kim has this fun game that we all enjoyed playing.

After he dug a hole he had fun jumping over it.

Julia would jump over it too.

In mid air.

Running along the beach.

Cousins at play makes my heart so happy.

Julia pulling Victoria along.

So excited about the water.

After taking a little break back in the condo we head to check out the pool.

We had movie night and watched Pete's Dragon which the kids all enjoyed.

We took a little break part way through for a fudgesicle.

Since Andrew had a nap that day he stayed up a little later and even got a little extra treat...key lime pie.  Obviously he loved it since I caught him licking his plate.  Looks like he forgot about using his manners.  Huh?

1 comment:

  1. Julia looks like the mornings hugs were too early for her. Great pictures. Andrew and his digging is so funny.
