Monday, August 31, 2015

Andrew's First Day of 4 Year Pre-K

Can you believe it but this little guy is in 4 year pre-k?  What happen to my baby boy?

Andrew was all excited for school to start and let's hope his excitement continues as the year goes on. I know I'm biased but wow he's such a handsome little boy!

Bringing in some chocolate treats for his teachers.

Ready to go to class!

He was so cute unpacking his bag and putting everything away.

I love this one!  Andrew ready to meet some new friends in his class this year.

Getting to play with play-doh on the first day of school.

Mrs. Marker, Andrew and Mrs. Knight.  We're so excited for a great year!

A little first day of school surprise.

Another transformer named Salvage.

And a transformer book. 

Along with a treat at Dairy Queen to start the year off.

Julia loved the treat too!

Daddy was able to join us while we celebrated Andrew's first day of school.  Interestingly enough I told Andrew I missed him and asked if he missed me but Andrew tells it how it is and said, 'not at all.'  Kinda made me a little sad inside but so glad he had fun and it's much better than having him cry when I drop him off so I'll take it.  I asked Andrew about what he did at school and I was impressed he actually told me the name of the two books his teacher read that day as compared to last year he would always tell me I don't know when I asked about his day. I hope he meets another good friend this year like he did last year.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Andrew Meets his Teachers

 Andrew was all excited to meet his teachers for his 4 year old preschool year.  Since Julia has been in school for 3 weeks already he's been asking when he gets to meet his teachers.  Well today was the day!  He looked so cute carrying his pencil box along with a picture of himself into school so of course I had to snap a photo!  Andrew will be going to school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9-1.

 They had a fun little scavenger hunt for the kids to do to learn where things were in his new classroom.

 One of the things he had to do was decorate a fish.  So glad Thomas works so close and could come with us during his lunch and not miss any work to be there for Andrew.  Andrew sure was glad to see him there!

 Andrew's fish.  The green towards the top is the seaweed the fish ate.

 This year his teachers are Mrs. Marker and Mrs. Knight.  Mrs. Knight is the lead teacher and I am thrilled Andrew got her...she is so calm and sweet.  I actually wanted him to get her and thought about writing a letter to the director but decided against it and it all worked out perfectly.  She actually subbed for me while I was teaching years ago and I know friends who have had her and love her so we know Andrew is in good hands and will have a wonderful year.

 A bag of treasure he got after doing the treasure hunt in his new classroom.

A few fun toys were included in the bag along with this punching balloon.  We're ready for another great year at Cumming First Baptist Preschool!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Lego Transformer Houses

Andrew has really been into the Rescue Bot Transformers and he got a ton for his birthday. Thomas had the idea to make houses for the transformers out of legos.  Andrew was so proud of the house he made.

He made this house for Bumblebee by himself.  (I think Julia helped with one piece)

Julia's favorite rescue bot is Blades and this is the house she made.  She looks more grown up to me here.

Close up of her lego their imagination.

A few more rescue bot houses.

A few more.

And a few more.  Legos are such great toys which encourage using your imagination.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Julia's First Day of School - 1st grade

Ready for bed with her Ready Confetti under her pillow!  Sweet girl is all excited about 1st grade.

My baby girl is going into 1st hard to believe!  She is excited for school to start with the exception of having to wake up at the crack of dawn.

Ready to start another great year!

Miss Head and Julia.  

 A little first day of school present...a Pinkalicious book and a Beanie Boo.

 Love her peeking inside to see what other surprise we had for her.

 Unwrapping it.

 And so happy to have another Beanie Boo dog.

 Waiting for our ice cream treat from Dairy Queen.

 Special first day of school treat!

Don't you just love this face?  Andrew was happy to share in the first day of school treat too!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Open House for Julia - 1st grade

On our way to meet her new teacher and Julia is beyond excited!  1st grade here she comes!

The parking lot was packed so we parked along the road on the outside of the school.  Julia and Andrew walking in and all exited.  The people you see way in the background said the sweetest thing ever to me as we walked by them.  She said, 'Those are the two cutest kids to ever walk through the doors of this school.'  How sweet is that!

She's doing that excited walk where her hair swings.

Checking out things at her desk.

This year she gets her own desk instead of sitting at a table.  She gets to keep her things inside and hopefully she'll keep it nice and organized.

Looking through her folder.  She couldn't wait to see what everything was inside there even though it was just paperwork for Mommy and Daddy.

Looking so grown up and no longer the babies of the school.

Julia and her teacher Miss Head who seems super sweet!  Looks like we'll have another great year at Kelly Mill Elementary.

We had to go and visit her teacher from last year, Mrs. Parker.  We loved her kindergarten teacher and we're sure going to miss her this year.