Monday, February 2, 2015

Julia's Birthday at School

The last Friday of every month Julia's class celebrates all the birthdays in that month and of course Julia was excited to celebrate her birthday at school.  Caroline and Julia were the only birthdays in January so we brought in a cookie cake along with drinks for them to share with their school friends.

Thomas ended up going in for the birthday celebration instead of me since Andrew needed to be picked up from school but I'm sure Julia loved it when her classmates sang Happy Birthday.

It worked out great having Thomas go in for the birthday celebration since I get to volunteer every Monday.  It made it even more special for Julia! She loved having her Daddy come to school for a little bit.


  1. It is nice that Thomas went. I wouldn't recognize Caroline, it's been 2 years since I saw her. She is so much taller than Julia. Is Julia short or Caroline tall?

  2. I think Caroline is a little tall and Julia is average height.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Is that Julia's teacher in the second picture?
