Saturday, February 7, 2015

Father/Daughter Dance

Each year Julia's school, Kelly Mill Elementary, has a father/daughter dance.  With Julia being in kindergarten it was their first time going but she asked if she could go next year and every year after that so apparently they had a blast!

I love this photo since it truly shows Julia's personality.

I bought Julia this dress last year when I saw it on sale and absolutely loved it.  So glad it now fits and she was able to wear it to the dance.  I know I'm biased but she looked absolutely gorgeous!

Checking out her corsage.

Andrew wanted to get in a picture with pretty little Julia before she left.  The details I got from Julia and Daddy were when they first got there they talked with some friends, made a snowman craft, ate dinner, and then danced.  It was definitely a fun filled night for both Daddy and Julia.  It looks like they'll be heading to the dance again next year.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are so beautiful! I get teary eyed just looking at them. Thomas must have been so proud of his date!
