Monday, February 21, 2011


Julia has had some congestion and a cough lately so I thought a milkshake would provide a little relief. Well the truth is I saw a milkshake somewhere the other day and have been wanting one ever since. Anyways, Julia enjoyed her first homemade milkshake and it was yummy. Mommy, daddy, and Julia all had a little.

Julia enjoyed the straw probably just as much as the milkshake itself.


  1. Julia makes me want to go downstairs and make a milkshake just watching her drinking it. I just got the most delicious Thin Mint (Girl Scouts cookies) ice cream at BJ's yesterday and it would be perfect as a shake, it was slow churned, too, so not as many calories or fat. Bill even liked it a little, he was skeptical, you know him and new things.

  2. Thin Mint ice cream sounds good!
