Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Julia's Cruising

Here's a short video I took of Julia doing some cruising on Monday after our trip to the outlet mall. She even ate her lunch outside and enjoyed seeing the trees since it was such a nice day. She's becoming much more confident and is starting to move quicker and goes around the corners all by herself. Today at therapy there was a little girl working on rolling over and putting weight on her doesn't seem like long ago that we were working on those things with Julia and now she's cruising. She's really making great progress.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julia, we love that you waved to us. Maybe you will be walking when you come to visit, you are certainly going fast! You are making a face that looks just like your Daddy at the end of the video. We can't wait to see you.

    Nana and Grandpa
