Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Julia's Award and End of Year Party

 Hard to believe but another school year has come to an end.  We were so excited to attend Julia's Poetry Cafe and Award Ceremony followed by her end of the year party.  Each student wrote a collection of poems and they chose one to read aloud to the parents.  Julia read her color poem aloud which was about the color blue.

 Award time...I love her smile of excitement in this photo.

 Julia was given the Excellent Effort Award along with a friend named Sarah.  We're super proud of her!

 Glad we could all be there to support of little girl.

After the awards was the entire second grade party.  The kids could go between any of the second grade classrooms.  Each classroom was set up with different activities and the kids had a blast.  One room was set up with games, or dancing, or crafts, or decorating rocks, or bubbles and sidewalk chalk outside, etc.  I was helping out in the game room where many kids loved the game Pie Face.  I snapped a picture of her friend Calder as he played.

 Julia mostly went around with her best friend from second grade Landry Rose.

 Big hugs for her brother.

 Some of her friends from her classroom.  Julia, Jennifer, and Anna Katherine

Julia and Landry Rose with their matching water bottles.  Aren't they so cute?

1 comment:

  1. Classroom pictures are very nice and I can see Julia's excitement. I'm very proud of her for reading her pome aloud to the class. I'm glad to see Jennifer was still in her class this year.
