Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Second Grade Amusement Park

It's been such a bummer not being able to volunteer in Julia's classroom this year since the teacher never wanted any volunteers.  So when we were asked to come in for their Amusement Park I was so excited and couldn't wait.  All the kids had to create their own ride or game and build it along with making a brochure.

Julia with her BFF in second grade Landry Rose.

Of course Julia wanted to build a swing which was no surprise since she's always loved the swing since she was a little baby.  Daddy helped her build it and the top actually swings around and I helped her decorate it.  She was proud of her swing and named her ride "High in the Sky."

Daddy joined us this morning too but we had this photo taken after he already went to work for the day.  Andrew and I were on our way to school but so glad we got to see all the rides and games the kids created.  We love you Julia and we're proud of your work!

1 comment:

  1. I love Julia's swingset! The picture with Landry Rose is very cute, too! Thomas did a good job helping with the design. 😉
