Friday, January 27, 2017

Ear Piercing

Julia has been wanting her ears pierced for a while now so we told her she could get them done for her birthday.  She was so excited...a little nervous but very excited!  Picking out her first pair of earnings added to the fun.

Waiting while the lady was getting everything ready.

Ready or not here we go.

Before you knew it the first one was done.

Checking them out and looking quite happy with them.

Listening to some directions about taking care of them.

She chose the daisy flower with a little pink in the very cute.  Julia was very brave and didn't cry or even scream.  The only thing she did was squeeze my hand.  I can't believe it my little girl has her ears pierced and growing up right before my eyes.


  1. I can't believe that Julia has pierced ears! I love her taste in earrings. They look perfect for her! So happy it was a good experience for her. 💓
