Monday, July 11, 2016

Aquatic Center

We always try and go to the Aquatic Center at least once during the summer.  It's quite inexpensive and the kids always have a blast!  Ava, Julia, and Grace are ready to get wet.  

We love this place!  The girls spent most of their time in the lazy river.  

Andrew enjoyed going down the small slide a bunch.

They tried out the slide a few times too.  Andrew isn't tall enough to do the slide but maybe next year.

Instead he played on the railing like a monkey.

Julia is swimming really well and we're so proud of her.

Getting a huge bucket of water dumped on his head.

Thumbs up from Andrew!

Julia and Grace had fun giving each other a piggy back ride in the water.

Such sweet girls and a friendship since preschool.

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