Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New York Trip 4/21/10

Visiting with Grandma.

Julia has been walking more and more. Grandma's steps were very easy for Julia.

We had to take a picture outside Nana's house with all the beautiful tulips.

We even got to play outside since it was such a nice day.

Just a few days earlier Julia took her first few steps. She's even standing alone for a few seconds too. She's working hard and getting more steady everyday.

Julia really liked Jess and Jess was so nice to let Julia get her nose.

Nancy became Julia's new best friend once she brought out a plate of bananas and strawberries...two of Julia's favorite fruits. How did she know? Julia ate her fair share of fruit that afternoon.

We had to have a picture of Julia with the Boyce's. We're so glad we got to visit with you and look forward to seeing you again soon. I think I can see Eric's eyes ... but just a little. :)

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