Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day! Hopefully everyone enjoyed their day off...we sure did! We had a cookout with some friends and enjoyed family time.

Julia and Daddy looking at the neighbor's dogs. Julia thought it was great but when they barked it startled her a bit.

Julia and Scout loved playing with the Kangaroo Climber that our neighbors gave us. I should have taken the picture from farther away so you could see the toy but oh well. They had a blast opening and closing the door and going down the slide.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sleepy Head

Twice in the last week Julia fell asleep while I was making her lunch. We're in the process of changing from two naps a day to one but she can't always stay awake until her nap around noon. Does she look tall in this picture or what?

Here she is again just a few days later. I have no idea how she could get comfortable sleeping on the hardwood floors but she did.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday Fun

We were going to go strawberry picking on Mother's Day but they were closed so we went today. It was a hot day with the temperature about 90 degrees but we still had heaps of fun. Since it was so hot and we had little love bug we only picked one bucket of strawberries. The strawberries are so much better than what you can buy in the stores.

Little Julia was helping daddy find the perfect strawberry. She did a great job of holding the bucket too! She picked a few and then she started smashing them in her hand so Thomas fired her and we just walked around instead.

After strawberry picking we used daddy's GPS to find a park close by so we could have a picnic lunch. We were all very hungry!

Little love bug gets cuter everyday...I don't know how she does it!

Daddy was smart enough and remembered to bring extra water and a knife so we could enjoy some strawberries with our lunch. Julia loved them too!

Mommy and Julia having fun on the cute little bridge after lunch.

Julia liked looking at the stream that was below the bridge. She loves water so we're excited to do lots of swimming this summer at the neighborhood pool.

I love the look on her face from seeing something new. The purple flowers in the park were so pretty.

When we got home Julia did lots of walking. On Friday she started letting go of things and would walk towards you. She's getting more confident and it's so much fun watching her as she's so proud of herself.

Lunch Anyone?

On Thursday Julia and mommy enjoyed pasta and meatballs for lunch. As you can tell Julia got really messy eating her lunch but she did it all by herself. Sometimes when we try to feed her with the spoon she doesn't want it because she wants to do it herself. It may be hard to believe but both Julia and mommy had white shorts on that day and we managed to keep them completely clean. I must say she looks super cute with spaghetti sauce on her face.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Real Walking

Julia's walking more and more everyday and going farther before she falls down. I must say we're really enjoying her and before I know it she'll be walking all around and I'll be chasing after her.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

What better way to spend Mother's Day than to go to the park. There's a nice little baby park only about 5 minutes away and Julia loves it. We were going to go strawberry picking but they weren't open for picking so we'll try another weekend.

Hanging out with daddy and taking a break.

Julia did lots of walking around the play equipment.

Mommy and Julia having lots of fun going down the slide at the same time.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Julia's Walking

We took this video of Julia yesterday. She's now taking more than just two or three steps at a time. The other day she walked across more than half of our bedroom all by herself. I must say I was quite impressed. What you see in the video is something Julia was working on at therapy too...being able to stand up and walk. She's making progress and of course we're so proud of her!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New York Trip 4/24/10

Julia enjoyed playing with her cousin Tyler while in New York. He even played peek-a-boo with her and she loved it.

Julia and her two cousins Tyler and Molly are posing for a cute photo. It's not easy getting three kids to smile at the same time but it came out cute anyways.

Julia got to meet Uncle Chris, Aunt Sherry, and Chelsea again. We had a great time visiting everyone in New York. Thanks so much to our families for everything. Julia got to meet about 30 friends and family while in New York. We look forward to our next visit.

New York Trip 4/23/10

Julia had fun at the park with her cousin Chelsea. This is the park Julia's mommy went to when she was little. It was the first time Julia went down the slide...she wasn't quite sure what to think. We've been down the slide at a park near us since then and now she loves it.

The park even had some bucket swings...Julia loves the swings. We always go on our swing at home so I'm sure she was missing it.

Julia was having fun with Grandpa. Look at those big smiles!

4 generations on mommy's side of the family.

New York Trip 4/22/10

Nana Farrell got Julia this cute cup that says Julia.

4 generations of women on daddy's side of the family.

Visiting with Nana Farrell.

Julia loved crawling up and down this tiny little step. She kept going back and forth many times.

Aunt Anne and Uncle Mike came over Nana Farrell's house to visit and see Julia even though Anne had surgery a few days earlier. We're so glad we got to visit with you and that you got to meet Julia.

New York Trip 4/21/10

Visiting with Grandma.

Julia has been walking more and more. Grandma's steps were very easy for Julia.

We had to take a picture outside Nana's house with all the beautiful tulips.

We even got to play outside since it was such a nice day.

Just a few days earlier Julia took her first few steps. She's even standing alone for a few seconds too. She's working hard and getting more steady everyday.

Julia really liked Jess and Jess was so nice to let Julia get her nose.

Nancy became Julia's new best friend once she brought out a plate of bananas and strawberries...two of Julia's favorite fruits. How did she know? Julia ate her fair share of fruit that afternoon.

We had to have a picture of Julia with the Boyce's. We're so glad we got to visit with you and look forward to seeing you again soon. I think I can see Eric's eyes ... but just a little. :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

New York Trip 4/20/10

Julia did great traveling to New York. She took her morning nap in the car on the way to the airport and even took a short nap towards the end of the flight. She really enjoyed being able to play with this toy gumball machine once she got to Nana and Grandpa's house.