Saturday, March 21, 2015

Welcome Spring!

We're so excited about the arrival of warmer weather!  We love the days when we can wear shorts and short sleeves and sundresses and of course flip flops.

Warmer weather also means lots of trips to our local parks!  Fun times at a park close by before dinner.

Andrew's First Soccer Game

We had so much fun at Andrew's first soccer game and he seemed to enjoy it too so it was a win-win activity for our family!  He's practicing some toe touches before the game.  Such a cutie in his soccer uniform!

All ready to play soccer for the first time. 

Julia and Haleigh met at school this year and became good friends and she happens to have a brother who is the same age as Andrew and they have become friends too.  We were able to get the boys on the same soccer team which has worked out great for the girls to have a playmate during practices and games.  I've also become good friends with their mom, Nicole.  

Looks like our family will be at the soccer field on Saturday mornings for the next few months.

Andrew is definitely one of the younger ones on the team but he did great and had fun and that's all that matters!

Andrew's turn to kick off.

Gotta love Andrew's pose.

Taking a break while other players get a chance to play.

Andrew and Case practicing a little during halftime.

Fun boys!

Andrew ran a ton during the game so he deserved a free ride to the car.

Love #21 and the guy carrying him!  What a fun morning and we're looking forward to the rest of the soccer season.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sweet Note

Everyone has their moments and Julia is no exception.  She can definitely be sassy at times and other times she can be the sweetest little girl.  Here's a sweet note she wrote for Andrew along with some candy she gave him.  Love her kind heart!

Andrew I know you are just 3 years old that doesn't mean that I don't love you forever I love you a lot.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Field Trip with Julia

I feel incredibly lucky to be a stay at home mom for so many different reasons but mostly because of all the extra time I get to spend with my kids.  As a teacher I never imagined I would have the opportunity to go on field trips with my own kids but now I get that opportunity and so much more.  Julia's class went to INK which is an interactive neighborhood for kids. While she enjoyed the field trip I didn't much care for it and kinda thought the place was a bit dirty but I'm just a germaphobe at times.  Otherwise, it was fun for the kids to play and of course it probably didn't bother many others.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Every year the preschool host an event called Smalltown and it's a night for the kids and their dad.  Julia loved it both years she went and now it's Andrew's turn to experience all the fun which Smalltown has to offer.  Andrew was absolutely excited about going to Smalltown with Thomas and for probably a week at dinner he said he was thankful for Smalltown.  He even said he was thankful for Smalltown before he even got to was so cute!  

Each classroom has a different activity such as the Car Wash, Fishing Hole, Movie Theatre, Ice Cream Parlor, Bakery, Putt-Putt, Pet Store and so on.  When you arrive at Smalltown they give you a necklace with different colored tickets and when you go to each 'store' you give them the correct ticket for that store and you can do the activity.  Not that I've ever been since it's a dad activity but it's super cute and the kids have a blast!  Here's Andrew at the Car Wash having fun!  

Onto the Movie Theatre and what else do you eat at the movies but popcorn.  Definitely one of Andrew's favorite things to eat.

Andrew met up with a friend named Sawyer in his class and they went to a few of the rooms together.

Andrew giving Daddy a shave at the Barber Shop.  How cute is that?  Thanks to all the teachers and staff at the preschool because it takes a whole lot of extra work to put on an event as great as Smalltown.  Andrew had such a good time and so did Thomas!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Selfies with Andrew

Everyday my little guy and I pick up Julia from school and earlier in the year he would always fall asleep but more often then not he stays awake and wants to be unbuckled once we arrive and wait for her to come out.  Sometimes to pass time we take selfies.  

He loves to be silly and almost always makes the same face.  Such a fun little guy!  

I really like this one!  I love this little boy!

Andrew loves to take silly selfies.  This time I joined him.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Snoozing Andrew

I'm one lucky Mommy to snuggle with this boy while Julia was at dance class.  Normally Andrew plays while we wait for Julia but today he was wiped out so I sat in car car while he napped and then I held him as I was trying to wake him up but he was only interested in snoozing.  Love my little guy to pieces!

Learning Time with Andrew

We continue to work on letters with Andrew.  Today we did some Q-tip painting of the letters K, A, O and W.  We're working hard on learning our letters and reinforcing the letter of the week they do at school too.

My little lefty concentrating!

Done with learning time and onto playtime!